Interested in Starting
Your Own PPP Chapter?

Get started by following the steps below.

1. Learn About PingPongParkinson®

PingPongParkinson is a non-profit organization dedicated to slowing the progression of a Parkinson Diagnosis. Using ping pong as a form of physical therapy, our model is based on the concept of neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to form new neural connections through challenging physical exercise.

Check out our About page to learn more about our mission, our story and our program.

2. Introduce Yourself

​We'd love to get to know you. Help us help you by filling out the form linked below.

3. Get Ready to Host a Pilot Session

In a nutshell, you will need:

  • A local table tennis club or community center with at least 2 tables

  • One PPP coordinator (you!)

  • One table tennis coach or facilitator

  • Optionally, recruit 1-2 volunteers to help you at the session

  • Take a look at our full Pilot Session Information Sheet, linked below.

Questions? Let’s schedule a call.

Reach out to—we'd love to schedule a time to chat. Please leave your phone number (WhatsApp) and the best time to call you.

You can also message our hotline facilitators and receive a call back:

Dr. Art Dubow: ‭+1 (203) 569-3210
Jim Lee, PhD:  +1 (609) 468-1352‬

Stay Connected with the PPP Community.

Receive news and updates about our global chapters, plus announcements about upcoming tournaments and World Championships by signing up to our newsletter below.